Frequently Asked Questions

What can Yeloni do for my Business?

Yeloni adds high converting widgets on your website (popups, sliders, top bars, full-page mats, etc).

These widgets engage with your visitors at the right time, encouraging your visitors to subscribe to your email newsletter, follow your social networks, avail your latest offer or any other action you'd like them to take. 

How do I use Yeloni on my Website?
You can use Yeloni's widgets on all websites and all platforms including Wordpress, Woocommerce, Magento, etc.

Steps to Create a Widget:
1. From the home page, enter your website's URL and click See a Demo button

2. Choose a design and signup to create a free account.

3. Edit the design and customize it to suit your needs.

4. If you are on Wordpress, download the plugin. Otherwise, download a script and add it to your website.

5. Yeloni's widgets are now active on your website.

What is the Pricing? Is it Free?

Yeloni is free to use for the basic features. You can easily create & fully customize widgets and even add multiple widgets in the free plan.  Yeloni offers powerful widget analytics and custom email marketing as premium features. These enable your widget to convert – faster and better. Click here for the premium plans.

How do I purchase and activate premium features?

Yeloni offers powerful widget analytics and custom email marketing as premium features. These enable your widget to convert – faster and better.

Steps to purchase a premium plan:

1. From – proceed to create a widget. If you have already created one, log in to view your dashboard.

2. From the left sidebar, choose a premium option. A modal opens up where you can select the duration of your choice and proceed to payment.

3. Once the payment is complete, an activation code is sent to your email. Enter the activation code on the modal (from step2) and your premium plans should be automatically activated.

Premium activation:

The premium plan is automatically activated for the domain you enter the activation code on.

If you have any questions, please write to us on [The premium plan is automatically activated for the domain you enter the activation code on.]

Can I use the same activation code on multiple websites?
Sorry, the activation code is mapped to the website it is activated on. However, if you either want to try out the premium package on a local/development website or want to purchase a multi-website license, write to us on and we will promptly get back to you.
Can I upgrade after I use the free version?

Yes! Yeloni offers fully functional widgets with all themes and all placements for free. Widget analytics and integration of email marketing services are premium. Feel free to get in touch with us for any questions or a demo.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a full refund to all customers within 30 days of your purchase*. If you are not satisfied with our product, then simply send us an email and we will refund your purchase right away. *Please refer the Terms & Conditions page.